< Things I've built />

  • ThreadNVote Web App

    ThreadNVote is a web-based application that you can create threads, vote and comment other user's threads. I built this project for a course final submission. This app is using Dicoding Forum API as a backend.

    Tech Stack : React.js, Tailwind CSS, React Redux

  • Enveir Landing Page

    This is my first freelance project as a Frontend Developer. I built this landing page that belongs to Enveir, an IT Services and IT Consulting Company. I co-worked with other frontend developer to do this project.

    Tech Stack : SvelteKit, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS

  • Tribute Page - B. J. Habibie

    I built this page for tribute and sharing about B. J. Habibie's life timeline and to complete the freeCodeCamp course about Responsive Web Design.

    Tech Stack : HTML, CSS

  • Survey Form - freeCodeCamp

    I built this survey form for completing the freeCodeCamp course about Responsive Web Design.

    Tech Stack : HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • JavaScript Documentation Page

    I built this technical documentation page for completing the freeCodeCamp course about Responsive Web Design.

    Tech Stack : HTML, CSS, JavaScript